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Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Arthritis

Food is often considered a form of medicine. If one is suffering from arthritis, consuming foods with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties—along with any drugs or other treatments recommended by a doctor—may help relieve pain. Research suggests that some foods may reduce arthritis-related pain and inflammation. Listed below are five such foods:

Green Tea

Green tea is full of antioxidants and nutrients and can reduce inflammation. Studies suggest that it helps reduce the incidence and severity of rheumatoid arthritis.

One must drink two servings daily, either hot or one cold. Use only green tea bags, not powdered mixes. If one wants to consume decaffeinated varieties, they should ensure that they are made using all-natural processes.

Tuna, Salmon, Mackerel, and Sardines

Studies have shown that these fish—which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids—can decrease inflammation. According to the Arthritis Foundation, eating a 3-4 ounce serving of these fish two or more times per week can reduce inflammation and protect the heart.

While fresh fish can be expensive, one way to keep the price of fish at a manageable level is by buying frozen or canned varieties. When choosing canned fish, choose those with low sodium content.


Apples contain lots of fiber and antioxidants. Eating apples can curb one’s appetite for unhealthy snacks.


Berries are full of antioxidants. The Arthritis Foundation notes that blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries, cranberries, raspberries, and strawberries are particularly useful for fighting arthritis. One can reap health benefits from all varieties- fresh, frozen, or dehydrated.


Pomegranates, which are classified as berry fruits, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to ease the pain of arthritis. Stir them into plain yogurt or add them to a salad for added benefits.


Add broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and mushrooms to one’s daily diet. One can add these anti-inflammatory vegetables to salads, stir-fries, or side dishes.


Unlike animal protein, all nuts contain no cholesterol, are low in saturated fats, and are high in protein content. Try eating nuts by themselves or adding them to yogurt, salad, or a healthy dish for an extra protein boost.

Nuts are also full of dietary fiber. Eating unsalted nuts is a simple way to cut back on sodium intake. Switching a serving of red meat for a quarter cup of nuts helps avoid inflammation.

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