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Benefits of Cancer Supplements

Eating enough food to receive the nutrients and calories required isn’t a problem when a person is healthy. But when one is being treated for cancer, it can be hard to eat the right amount of nutritious food, especially due to the side effects from treatment. It’s important for patients to have good nutrition as cancer treatments change how they eat. Cancer treatment can also affect how the body tolerates certain foods and its ability to use nutrients.

During cancer treatment, one might need to change their diet to help build up strength and withstand the side effects of cancer drugs.

Taking the right supplements can help:

-Create a feeling of wellness

-Maintain strength and energy

-Better tolerate treatment-related side effects

-Lower the risk of infections

-Improve healing and recovery time

-Maintain body weight and restore nutrients

Why Are Proteins Vital?

Protein grows and repairs body tissue while keeping the immune systems healthy. When a person doesn’t get enough protein, the body breaks down muscle for the fuel it needs to function. As a result, the body takes longer to recover from illness and resistance to infection is reduced. People with cancer need more protein than usual. After chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation therapy, extra protein is required to heal tissues and help fight infections. For protein, one should consume fish, lean red meat, poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products, nuts, nut butter, beans, peas, and lentils.

Why Are Fats Vital?

Fats play an essential role in nutrition. They are a source of energy for the body. The body breaks down fats to store energy, insulate tissues, and transport vitamins through the blood. Some fats are better than others. So, it’s best to consume fats from natural sources rather than processed foods.

Why Are Carbohydrates Vital?

Carbs are the body’s primary source of energy. They give the body the fuel it needs. The best sources of carbs are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fiber is the part of plant-based foods that the human body can’t digest. There are two types of fiber; insoluble fiber which moves food waste out of the body, and soluble fiber, which binds with water to keep stools soft.

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